Faculty Recruitment
The School of Social Sciences (SOSS), Singapore Management University (SMU), will from time to time recruit scholars in the fields of psychology, sociology, political science, and other social science disciplines relevant to the programmes at SOSS.
Scholars who are interested in these fields may visit this webpage for updates periodically for available position(s). Scholars may also send enquiries via email to socialsciencescv@smu.edu.sg.
SMU is committed to an interdisciplinary and integrated curriculum, providing opportunities to work with faculty across various disciplines. The research support is excellent, and salary and benefits are highly competitive. The teaching load is relatively light, and classes are typically capped at 45 students.
Faculty Openings
The School of Social Sciences (SOSS), Singapore Management University, invites applications for the following teaching positions:
Assistant Professor (Education)
For information on the BSocSc Programme:
For more information on Recruitment in SMU, please visit the Careers@SMU website: