Sheril Ameilda Alis Binte Ramlan

Graduating Class of 2021
Majoring in Sociology and Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources
Please tell us more about yourself.
I am currently a third-year undergraduate, majoring in Sociology, with a second major in Organisational Behavior and Human Resource from the Lee Kong Chian School of Business. When I entered SOSS, I was unfamiliar with Social Sciences as I had previously pursued Business Management in polytechnic. I was nervous about not having any background in the area and feared that I might not be able to catch up with the rest of the students. But I soon realised, that was not the case.
How has learning about Social Sciences changed/benefited you?
The curriculum in SOSS is designed to assist those without any prior knowledge of the field. In our first year, we read introductory modules for the three majors offered under the Psychology, Political Science and Sociology (PPS) cluster. These modules allowed me to get a sense of my interest, which would eventually help me decide on my major. Although I had leaned towards Psychology when I first enrolled in SOSS, my interest in Sociology quickly formed when I took “Understanding Societies”, an introductory module for Sociology. The module exposed me to various social realities that I was, and still am, eager to learn more about. Personally, Sociology has challenged me to think more critically and beyond my pre-existing views, which to me, is an essential step in the learning process.
The learning environment is enhanced by SMU’s pedagogy that includes seminar-style lessons. Class participation part of the culture in SMU - students are encouraged to contribute to discussions by sharing their opinions during class. SMU creates a safe environment that has allowed me to not only share my opinions but also listen to viewpoints from other students that may be contrary to mine. SMU’s pedagogy and environment have developed my critical thinking skills as I try to look from multiple perspectives when forming my opinions and arguments. This, ultimately, has made me a more objective person.
SMU is also a great place to develop new skills outside of academics. During my first year in university, I served as the Marketing Director in the 12th Executive Committee of SMU’s Malay Language and Cultural Club (MLCC) where I headed the marketing and branding strategy for the club and designed the club’s collaterals. I picked up many new skills, such as editing on Photoshop, and made plenty of friends whom I am remain close with.
Do you have any advice for prospective students who are considering SOSS, SMU?
My advice for prospective SOSS students is that it is perfectly fine to not be 100% certain of what you want to major in before entering SOSS. Most of my friends, myself included, only decided on their major in their second year, which gave them sufficient time to get to know the different majors in SOSS. In addition, I advise prospective students to listen to your heart and follow where your interests lie. This will make your learning journey more enjoyable!