Programme Structure and Curriculum

The Fast-Track MPhil in Psychology Programme is a 2-year programme.

The curriculum consists of course units in:

  • Foundation courses (6 course units)
  • Elective courses (2 course units)
  • Master Thesis (12 course units)

Students are required to complete a total of 20 course units (cus) to meet the graduation requirements. A maximum of 3 courses can be double-counted towards the undergraduate degree requirements.

Programme Schedule

Year 1
Year 2
Year 4 SMU Undergraduate Student
Year 2 Master (MPhil) Student

Term 1 (2 CUs)
PSYC601 Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC603 General Linear Model (graduate-level statistics course)

Plus undergraduate modules*

Term 1 (2 CUs)
Two foundation/elective graduate-psychology courses

Prepare and defend master’s thesis proposal

Term 2 (2 CUs)
PSYC604 Multivariate Statistics
PSYC6xx (varies from year to year)

Plus undergraduate modules*

Term 2 (2 + 12 CUs)
Two foundation/elective graduate-psychology courses

Conduct master’s thesis research
Prepare and defend master’s thesis

* In addition to graduate-level psychology courses, FTMP students can concurrently take additional modules required for their Bachelor degree. However, three graduate-level psychology courses can be double-counted toward the Bachelor degree (see below).

Double-Counting Policy

FTMP students may double-count to 3 of the 4 FTMP (graduate psychology) courses required in the first year of the programme to fulfil either the Psychology Major Electives requirement or the Free Electives (FE) requirement. Students should take note that the Credit Transfer Policy (OASIS > Academic > Advisement & Curriculum > Credit Transfer Policy) apply to the cumulative credits transferred as exchange courses and/or graduate courses. This means that no more than 2 CUs of the FTMP courses can be transferred to the Psychology major electives requirement, and no more than 3 CUs of the FTMP courses can be transferred to the FE requirements.

For example, an FTMP student who needs 2 Psychology major electives and 3 FE courses to complete their BSocSc degree may transfer and double count up to 3 of the FTMP courses to reduce their undergraduate course load from 5 to 2 courses. The student may choose one of the options below:

  1. Double-count 2 FTMP courses as Psychology major electives + 1 FTMP course as FE,
  2. Double-count 1 FTMP course as a Psychology major elective + 2 FTMP courses as FE,
  3. Double-count 3 FTMP courses to FE,

A student may not double count all 3 FTMP courses as Psychology major electives because this would exceed the maximum limits as stipulated in the Credit Transfer Policy.

Students must take into account any previous transfers of exchange courses when planning to transfer and double-count their FTMP courses. If in doubt, students may send their enquiries and degree progress report to for review.