Admissions, Fees and Scholarship

Admission Requirements

  • An undergraduate bachelor's degree in psychology or a closely related field1 is preferred. 
  • Applicants who graduated with a bachelor's degree from SMU, NUS, NTU, SUTD, SIT, and SUSS (i.e., Singapore Autonomous Universities) are exempted from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). GRE taken within five years prior to the application. 

  1 Applicants are encourage to consider gaining relevant research training or experience in the field before applying


Applicants whose medium of instruction for the Bachelor's degree was not English, are required to submit TOEFL or IELTS test scores.

Applications must be supported by recommendations from two academic referees.

Admission to the programme is highly competitive. Applicants with strong GPA and GRE scores and a demonstrated record of research experience will have an added advantage. A Master's degree is not necessary and will neither enhance nor hinder an applicant's chances of admission. More details can be found here.

PhD Programme Fees

For more information on PhD Programme Fees, please click here.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Full scholarships are available for full-time PhD students on a competitive basis. Subject to satisfactory progress, a scholarship holder will receive waiver of registration fees and tuition fees in addition to a monthly living stipend. Students may also receive additional funding through research assistantship (RA), teaching assistantship (TA) or industry grants. 

Research and Teaching Assistantships

The Research Assistantships are structured to give students exposure to and experience in all facets of research including research design, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation, conference presentation, and manuscript publication.  All Research Assistantships are project based. 

For more information on scholarships, research and teaching assistantships, please click here.