Research Grant Projects - 2020

Singapore Management University

Media’s Effect on the Public’s Foreign Policy Preferences in Diplomatic Crises
SMU Faculty: WANG Frances Yaping

Digitalising At-Risk Cultural Heritage in Singapore: Cemeteries and Graveyards

Executive Functions and Resilience to Daily Stressors
SMU Faculty: HARTANTO Andree

Desire for National Power vs. National Status and Pro-environmental Support
SMU Faculty: EOM Kimin

SMU Internal Research Grant Nov 2020 Grant Call

Project Title: Cross-Cultural Differences in the Perception of Biracials
Principal Investigator: CHENG Chi-Ying, Associate Professor of Psychology

Project Title: Meaningful Work And How It Impacts Workplace Burnout
Principal Investigator: Jacinth TAN, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Project Title: Determinants and Cognitive Consequences of Loneliness for Older Adults
Principal Investigator: YANG Hwajin, Associate Professor of Psychology

MOE Academic Research Fund Tier 3

Project Title: Dynamic and Holistic Monitoring of the Well-being of Older Singaporeans
Principal Investigator: Paulin Straughan, Dean of Students; Professor of Sociology (Practice); Director, Centre for Research on Successful Ageing (ROSA); Urban Fellow, SMU Urban Institute