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Embarking on anything new is always nerve-racking. And while matriculating at a university for the first time might be an exciting time in your life, it can also be intimidating to many. New school, new people, new classes. But it is also a time to discover yourself as you acquire new skills and knowledge.

At Singapore Management University (SMU), earning an undergraduate degree is more than just gaining academic knowledge. It is also a place where you’ll meet people from all walks of life and where lifelong friendships are made.

Two SOSS undergraduate students – Fiona Ng (3rd year) and Megan Choy (4th year) were awarded research grants under the Social and Family Research Fund (SFRF) from the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Each student received $1,000 for their proposed developmental studies. 

Staying at Prinsep Street Residences (PSR)
Esther Chong (Class of 2021)

Prinsep Street Residences (PSR) was launched with a new focus on co-living, co-learning and co-working. It has undergone a major facelift and living spaces were revamped. Besides the apartments, PSR boasts a range of facilities which include The Hub, where group meetings are conducted, The Café, where we chill and have conversations over meals, and The Lounge, a space where we can screen movies, hold events and even play table soccer.

“Mentoring can have a profound impact on your personal growth, but you have to be open to change.” - Lois Zachary

Sometimes, do you wonder what kind of job will be suitable for you after graduation and if Social Sciences was the right major to read to land yourself a job at your desired company?

Tan Sze Eng
BSocSc Class of 2019

In 25 August 2017, a sudden military crackdown in Myanmar’s Rakhine state drove an exodus of Rohingya refugees across into Bangladesh. On 28 August 2018, I started my internship with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Regional Office (UNHCR RO) in Bangkok, Thailand.

In this post, I will talk about Bangkok’s living environment, my working experience in the UNHCR RO, and end off with some advice for fellow peers who are looking to take up this internship in the near future.

Jessalyn Soo
BSocSc Class of 2018

Edinburgh, also known as ‘Athens of the North, is truly a beauty.  

I have made one of the best choices in my life by enrolling in The University of Edinburgh (UoE), one of the sixth oldest University in England and No. 1 University in Scotland, for my overseas exchange.

Why UoE?

Diversity Abounds

Andrew Koay Shen Wei (BSocSc Class of 2018)

Teo Mindy
BSocSc Class of 2018

“Are you going to take the TRAIN to Busan?”

With reference to the Train to Busan zombie apocalypse action thriller released in mid-2016, ‘Train to Busan’ jokes usually abound whenever I told my peers that I was going to Pusan National University for exchange in the spring semester.

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